Jechoota Koompitaraa Afaan Oromoo – Afaan oromoo Computers Terminologies

Jechootni Koompitaraa Afaan Oromoo Qo’annoofi Qorannoo hayyootattiin hojjataman akka armaan gadiiti hiikamaa jiru, hojittis jijjiiramaa jira. Haala itti fayyadamaafi raabsuu irrattis hojjachaa jirra.

Seerluga | Afaan Oromoo keessatti ittifayyadama maxxantootaa fi Xumurtuu

Afaan Oromoo erga ifatti afaan hojiifi barnootaa ta’ee tajaajiluu eegalee waggoonni lakkaa’amaniiru. Barumsi afaanichaa ammaan tana caasaalee barnootaa sadarkaa gadiirraa eegalee hanga dhaabbilee barnoota olaanaatti...

Irreecha: From Thanksgiving Ritual to Strong Symbol of Oromo Identity

Introduction It has become evident since recently that the Oromo across religious, political and geographical boundaries have converged together in celebrating an annual ritual/festival called...

Hiikkaa Jechootaa Afaan Oromoo

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Faayidaa Afoola Oromoo

Sirna Siinqee Aadaa Oromoo

Geerarsa Oromoo

Afoola Oromoo